Interface PBMaterial_PbrMaterial


  • PBMaterial_PbrMaterial


albedoColor?: PBColor4

default = white;

alphaTest?: number

default = 0.5. range value: from 0 to 1

alphaTexture?: TextureUnion


Alpha textures are no longer supported on PBRMaterial and UnlitMaterial.alphaTexture should be used instead.

bumpTexture?: TextureUnion

default = null. Note that tilling and offset properties are ignored for this texture.

castShadows?: boolean

default = true

directIntensity?: number

default = 1

emissiveColor?: PBColor3

default = black;

emissiveIntensity?: number

default = 2

emissiveTexture?: TextureUnion

default = null. Note that tilling and offset properties are ignored for this texture.

metallic?: number

default = 0.5

reflectivityColor?: PBColor3

default = white;

roughness?: number

default = 0.5

specularIntensity?: number

default = 1

texture?: TextureUnion

default = null

transparencyMode?: MaterialTransparencyMode

default = TransparencyMode.Auto