options: Partial<GlobalDirectionRaycastOptions>Creates Raycast global target direction opts with defaults
options: Partial<GlobalTargetRaycastOptions>Creates Raycast local direction opts with defaults
options: Partial<LocalDirectionRaycastOptions>Execute callback when the entity receives a RaycastResult component update. Uses a Vector3 global direction value to calculate the ray direction
Entity to attach the callback
opts?: Partial<GlobalDirectionRaycastOptions>Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
use registerGlobalDirectionRaycast(raycastData, cb) instead
Entity to attach the callback
Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
options: Partial<GlobalDirectionRaycastOptions>Raycast configuration options
Execute callback when the entity receives a RaycastResult component update. Uses a Vector3 global target position to calculate the ray direction
Entity to attach the callback and Raycast configuration options
opts?: Partial<GlobalTargetRaycastOptions>Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
use registerGlobalTargetRaycast(raycastData, cb) instead
Entity to attach the callback
Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
options: Partial<GlobalTargetRaycastOptions>Raycast configuration options
Execute callback when the entity receives a RaycastResult component update. Uses a Vector3 entity-local direction value to calculate the ray direction
Entity to attach the callback and Raycast configuration options
opts?: Partial<LocalDirectionRaycastOptions>Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
use registerLocalDirectionRaycast(raycastData, cb) instead
Entity to attach the callback
Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
options: Partial<LocalDirectionRaycastOptions>Raycast configuration options
Immediate mode Raycast to be used on a sytem rather than callbacks
Use the options helper to create the specified raycast i.e. localDirectionOptions(opts)
Execute callback when the entity receives a RaycastResult component update. Uses an target Entity value to calculate the ray direction
Entity to attach the callback
opts?: Partial<TargetEntityRaycastOptions>Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
use registerTargetEntityRaycast(raycastData, cb) instead
Entity to attach the callback
Function to execute when the entity's RaycastResult component is updated
options: Partial<TargetEntityRaycastOptions>Raycast configuration options
Creates Raycast target entity opts with defaults
options: Partial<TargetEntityRaycastOptions>
Creates Raycast global direction opts with defaults