Dropdown Props



acceptEmpty?: boolean
color?: PBColor4


disabled?: boolean
emptyLabel?: string
font?: UiFontType
fontSize?: ScaleUnit
key?: Key

Uinique key to identiy elments when iterating arrays

onMouseDown?: Callback

triggered on mouse down event

onMouseEnter?: Callback

triggered on mouse hover event

onMouseLeave?: Callback

triggered on mouse leave event

onMouseUp?: Callback

triggered on mouse up event

options?: string[]
selectedIndex?: number

default=null when accept_empty==true; default=0 when accept_empty==false

textAlign?: TextAlignType
uiBackground?: UiBackgroundProps

To define a background color or image

uiTransform?: UiTransformProps

Layout component, to position things in the canvas


  • Parameters

    • value: number

    Returns void